News - Page 3
Las reuniones de la Junta Directiva de LCSD ahora ofrecen servicios de traducción en vivo en español /LCSD Board Meetings Now Offer Live Spanish Interpretation Services
El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lincoln se complace en anunciar que los miembros de la comunidad de habla hispana...
Early Childhood Program Updates /Actualizaciones del Programa de Primera Infancia
In our continued efforts to refine programs and better serve our communities, LCSD’s Early Childhood Program has made some updates....
Winter Sports Posters and Food Pantry Donation /Carteles de deportes de invierno y donación para la despensa de alimentos
Huge thanks to Patrick Alexander and his team at Oregon Coast Today for not only creating these awesome high school...
Tsunami Warning for Southern Coast CANCELED/Alerta de tsunami para la costa sur CANCELADA
UPDATE December 5, 2024 11:51 a.m. School is in session as normal. After an earthquake in northern California, the National...
LCSD Weather Related Closures FAQ /Preguntas frecuentes sobre los cierres relacionados con el tiempo
With today’s cancelation of weather-related after school activities, it is a great time for a reminder to families about how...
ALL LCSD After School Activities Cancelled for Nov. 19, 2024/Todas las actividades extraescolares del LCSD canceladas para el 19 de noviembre de 2024/
This is an important bilingual message. Due to the uncertainty of the predicted storm on the coast, LCSD and Charters,...